108,644 research outputs found

    Продуктивність цукрових буряків під впливом інокуляції, макро- і мікроелементів та гербіцидів

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    Вивчали вплив внесених у ґрунт при посіві цукрового буряку торф’яних гранул, насичених суспензією консорціуму бактерій Bacillus mucilaginosus С-3+Bacillus subtilis 100 та Bacillus mucilaginosus С-3+Bacillus subtilis 33, а також обробки посівів Хетоміком і Еколистом новим на фоні ґрунтового та післясходового застосування гербіцидів на ріст і розвиток цієї культури. Виявлено ефективні композиції, які дозволяють підвищити продуктивність коренеплодів і вихід цукру з одиниці площі.Изучали влияние внесения в почву при посеве сахарной свеклы торфяных гранул, насыщенных суспензией консорциума бактерий Bacillus mucilaginosus С-3 + Bacillus subtilis 100 и Bacillus mucilaginosus С-3 + Bacillus subtilis 33, а также обработки посевов препаратами Хетомик и Эколист новый на фоне почвенного и послевсходового применения гербицидов на рост и развитие этой культуры. Выявлены эффективные композиции, которые позволяют увеличить продуктивность корнеплодов и выход сахара с единицы площади.The infl uence of application at soil of peat granules saturated with the suspension of bacteria Bacillus mucilaginosus C-3 + Bacillus subtilis 100 and Bacillus mucilaginosus C-3 + Bacillus subtilis 33 at sowing of sugar beet, as well as subsequent plants treatment with Hetomik and Ekolist new preparations on various herbicide backgrounds on growing and development of given culture was studied. Efficient compositions effecting root productivity and sugar output from unit area were revealed

    System of Leukocytes Respiratory Burst Activity (RBA) in Grouper (Epinephelus coioides)

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    Probiotics are live microbes that can help protect and maintain the health of the host by modifying the microbial community or associating with the host, increasing the response to disease, improving nutrition, and utilizing feed. Probiotics have properties to increase feed efficiency and increase non-specific immunity in fish. Probiotic administration allows fish to achieve optimal growth and increase immunity to disease. Therefore, in this study used probiotics containing bacteria Bacillus subtilis. The purpose of  this study was to determine the effect of probiotic Bacillus subtilis endoprore administration on the respiratory burst activity (RBA) immune system in grouper (Epinephelus coioides). The results of the research showed that the administration of probiotics in the grouper (Epinehelus coioides) feed with the probiotic dose of Bacillus subtilis in Feed B (0.1% Bacillus subtilis) and Feed C (1 % Bacillus subtilis) had a significantly effect on Respiratory Burst Activity (RBA) compared to Feed A (0% Bacillus subtilis). In addition, the administration of probiotic Bacillus subtilis in the grouper feed was also able to increase the total number of bacteria in the rearing media, whereas an increasing in the number of bacteria in the B and C feed treatments indicated a better rearing media for the growth of grouper. The RBA values ​​in Feed B (0.1% Bacillus subtilis) and Feed C (1 % Bacillus subtilis) were significantly different start from 10 days of rearing time. While the best dose for the RBA value is Feed C with an elapsed time 30 days.Probiotik adalah mikroba hidup yang dapat membantu melindungi dan memelihara kesehatan inang dengan cara memodifikasi komunitas mikroba atau berasosiasi dengan inang, meningkatkan respon terhadap penyakit, memperbaiki nutrisi, dan memanfaatkan pakan. Probiotik memiliki khasiat untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pakan dan meningkatkan kekebalan non spesifik pada ikan. Pemberian probiotik memungkinkan ikan mencapai pertumbuhan yang optimal dan meningkatkan kekebalan terhadap penyakit. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini digunakan probiotik yang mengandung bakteri Bacillus subtilis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian probiotik Bacillus subtilis endoprore terhadap sistem imun respiratory burst activity (RBA) pada ikan kerapu (Epinephelus coioides). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik pada pakan kerapu (Epinehelus coioides) dengan dosis probiotik Bacillus subtilis pada Pakan B (0,1% Bacillus subtilis) dan Pakan C (1% Bacillus subtilis) berpengaruh nyata terhadap Pernafasan Burst Activity (RBA) dibandingkan dengan Pakan A (0% Bacillus subtilis). Selain itu, pemberian probiotik Bacillus subtilis pada pakan kerapu juga mampu meningkatkan jumlah total bakteri pada media pemeliharaan, sedangkan peningkatan jumlah bakteri pada perlakuan pakan B dan C menunjukkan media pemeliharaan yang lebih baik. pertumbuhan ikan kerapu. Nilai RBA pada Pakan B (0,1% Bacillus subtilis) dan Pakan C (1% Bacillus subtilis) berbeda nyata mulai dari 10 hari pemeliharaan. Sedangkan dosis terbaik untuk nilai RBA adalah Pakan C dengan waktu tempuh 30 hari

    Uptake of branched-chain alpha-keto acids in \u3ci\u3eBacillus subtilis\u3c/i\u3e

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    Bacillus subtilis has a constitutive system for the uptake of alpha-keto-beta-methylvalerate, alpha-ketoisovalerate, and (probably) alpha-ketoisocaproate. A mutation, kauA1, which blocks the uptake of alpha-keto-beta-methylvalerate and alpha-ketoisovalerate, is located between metB and citK on the B. subtilis chromosome

    Antimicrobial activity of carbon-based fillers

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem uhlíkatého plniva na životaschopnost a produkci extracelulárních látek vybrané bakterie Bacillus subtilis (CCM 1999) a kvasinky Yarrowia lipolytica (CCY 29-26-52). Antimikrobiální aktivita těchto částic, přítomných v kultivačním mediu, byla sledována pomocí následujících parametrů: růst daného mikroorganismu, produkce extracelulárních proteinů a v poslední řadě byla monitorována produkce extracelulárních polymerních substancí, které mají úzkou souvislost s tvorbou biofilmu. Suspenze materiálů (0,135 mg/mL) byly připraveny ve dvou rozdílných kultivačních mediích; tzn. živné medium s obsahem glukózy pro Bacillus subtilis a bazální medium s přídavkem Tweenu 80 pro Yarrowia lipolytica, a media byla inokulována příslušným typem mikroorganismu. Experimenty probíhaly po dobu 6 dnů při rychlosti třepání 160 rpm a teplotě 30 °C pro Bacillus subtilis a 28 °C pro Yarrowia lipolytica. Testovány byly celkem tři typy uhlíkatého nanomateriálu, získané z Katedry anorganické chemie, Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze. Tyto materiály specifikované jako materiál “A”, “B” a “C” se navzájem lišily velikostí částic a stupněm oxidace. Na základě skríningových studií byla vybrána koncentrace testovaného materiálu 0,135 mg/mL a rychlost třepání 160 rpm. Metodou měření optické hustoty vzorku při 600 nm byly sestaveny a porovnány růstové křivky obou mikroorganismů v přítomnosti testovaných nanočástic po dobu 5 dní. Tímto způsobem bylo zjištěno, že přítomnost nanočástic v mediu nemá velký vliv na růst zkoumaného mikroorganismu. Tato metoda, je však pouze orientační, protože se nevyhneme chybě díky přítomnosti mrtvých buněk. Dále byla testována produkce celkových a extracelulárních proteinů daným mikroorganismem v přítomnosti testovaných nanočástic. Nebyla však pozorována výrazná odchylka hodnot od hodnot kontrolního vzorku, který neobsahoval testovaný materiál. Na základě metod počítání kolonií (Bacillus subtilis) a buněk (Yarrowia lipolytica) byly určeny ztráty životaschopnosti mikroorganismu ve 3 časech (6, 48 a 144 hodin); v kratším časovém intervalu byl růst spíše podporován. Dále byla monitorována produkce extracelulárních polymerních substancí (EPS), tedy proteinů, redukujících substancí a polysacharidů. Tyto látky byly vylučovány daným mikroorganismem do prostředí v průběhu 24 hodin. Bacillus subtilis produkoval EPS ve větší míře než Yarrowia lipolytica. Předpokládáme, že produkce EPS by mohla souviset s tvorbou biofilmu, který chrání buňky před toxicitou nanočástic.The aim of this diploma thesis is focused on the impact of carbon-based fillers on viability and extracellular substances production by bacterium Bacillus subtilis (CCM 1999) and yeast Yarrowia lipolytica (CCY 29-26-52). Antimicrobial activity of these particles, present in cultivation nutrient medium was examined using following parameters: growth of mentioned microorganisms, production of extracellular proteins and finally extracellular polymeric substances production, which is strongly connected with biofilm formation. Nanomaterials suspension (0.135 mg/mL) was prepared in two different cultivation media i.e. nutrient medium supplemented with glucose for Bacillus subtilis and basal medium with the addition of 2% (vol.) Tween 80 for Yarrowia lipolytica and media were inoculated by appropriate type of microorganism. Experiments were performed for 6 days under shaking rate at 160 rpm and at temperature of 30 °C for Bacillus subtilis and 28 °C for Yarrowia lipolytica. Three types of carbon nanomaterials obtained from Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague were examined. These materials specified as material “A”, “B” and “C” are mutually different by the size of its particles and the degree of oxidation. Based on the screening studies the tested material concentration of 0.135 mg/mL and shaking rate of 160 rpm were chosen. According to the optical density measurement at 600 nm, the growth curves of both microorganisms in the presence of tested nanoparticles during 5 days period were compared. It was find out, that the presence of nanoparticles don’t have a significant influence on tested microorganisms growth, by this technique. However, this method is just wider point of view, due to mistakes caused by presence of dead cells. Further, production of total cells proteins and extracellular proteins by microorganisms in presence of tested nanoparticles was examined. There was not observed any significant deviation from control samples values, where the tested materials were absent. Based on colony counting method (used for Bacillus subtilis) and cells counting in Bürker counting chamber (used for Yarrowia lipolytica), loss of microorganism viability was determined in 3 cultivation periods (6, 48 and 144 hours); there was observed a support of growth of microorganisms rather in shorter incubation period. Thereafter the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production that means proteins, reducing substances and polysaccharides was monitored. These substances were secreted into the medium by mentioned microorganisms during 24 hours of incubation. Bacillus subtilis cells produce much more EPS than Yarrowia lipolytica cells. We suppose that the EPS production could be closely associated with production of biofilm, which protects cells against nanoparticles toxicity.

    "In vitro" evaluation of some properties in spore former bacteria isolated from calves faeces

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    Aims: To isolate and evaluate spore-former bacteria for being used as probiotic additives in animal nutrition by their technological features. Study Design: The study was experimental, by using calves’ faeces for spore-forming identification and further evaluation of their “in vitro” probiotic-related properties. Place and Duration of Study: Laboratory of Preventive Microbiology, Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos (CERELA-CONICET), between June 2013 and November 2013. Methodology: In this work, some Bacillus strains were isolated from calves’ faeces and evaluated for their “in vitro” beneficial characteristics: Surface properties, biosurfactant and emulsification production, and inhibition of pathogens. The antibiotic sensibility was also assayed. Results: Two Bacillus strains were selected, identified by phenotypic and molecular techniques as Bacillus subtilis strains M14 and M12. Spores resulted to be more hydrophobic than vegetative cells. The M14 strain showed biosurfactant and emulsifying properties. Inhibition assays against pathogenic bacteria indicated they inhibit gram-positive microorganisms. The antibiotic susceptibility showed that the two strains were sensitive to the antibiotics assayed, except Bacillus M12 that was resistant to Kanamycin. Conclusion: The results indicate these strains can be further studied for their inclusion in the design of a probiotic product for newborn calves.Fil: Maldonado, Natalia Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Silva de Ruíz, Clara. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Nader, Maria Elena Fatima. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; Argentin

    The Iturin and Fengycin Families of Lipopeptides Are Key Factors in Antagonism of Bacillus subtilis Toward Podosphaera fusca

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    Podosphaera fusca is the main causal agent of cucurbit powdery mildew in Spain. Four Bacillus subtilis strains, UMAF6614, UMAF6619, UMAF6639, and UMAF8561, with proven ability to suppress the disease on melon in detached leaf and seedling assays, were subjected to further analyses to elucidate the mode of action involved in their biocontrol performance. Cell-free supernatants showed antifungal activities very close to those previously reported for vegetative cells. Identification of three lipopeptide antibiotics, surfactin, fengycin, and iturin A or bacillomycin, in butanolic extracts from cell-free culture filtrates of these B. subtilis strains pointed out that antibiosis could be a major factor involved in their biocontrol ability. The strong inhibitory effect of purified lipopeptide fractions corresponding to bacillomycin, fengycin, and iturin A on P. fusca conidia germination, as well as the in situ detection of these lipopeptides in bacterial-treated melon leaves, provided interesting evidence of their putative involvement in the antagonistic activity. Those results were definitively supported by site-directed mutagenesis analysis, targeted to suppress the biosynthesis of the different lipopeptides. Taken together, our data have allowed us to conclude that the iturin and fengycin families of lipopeptides have a major role in the antagonism of B. subtilis toward P. fusca.

    Biochemical Characterization of Diamide Inhibitors with N-acetylglucosaminidases LytG from Bacillus subtilis

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    In recent years the frequency of antibiotic resistance has been on the rise creating a need for antibiotic development with specific and lethal targets. It has been recently reported that glycosyl trizole are a novel class of antibacterial agents (1). Further investigation on the antibacterial ability of glycosyl triazole inhibitors has shown that targets include exo-acting N-acetylglucosaminidases (GlcNAcase) LytG (Bacillus subtilis) and FlgJ (Salmonella enterica) of the GH73 family (2). The Glycoside Hydrolase Family 73 (GH73) is characterized by bacterial and viral glycoside hydrolase. This enzyme cleaves the β-1,4-glycosidic linkage between N-acetylglucosaminyl (NAG) and N-acetylmuramyl (NAM) of the carbohydrate backbone in bacterial peptidoglycan. Glycoside hydrolase can occur as an endo- or exo- process, depending on the region of the chain that is cleaved. Endo-acting refers to activity in the middle of the chain, whereas exo-acting refers to the ends (typically the non-reducing end) (3). Currently, there is no kinetic parameters that have been determined for any member of the GH73 family, however binding and kinetic characterization will be performed for select glycosyl triazole inhibitors and GH73 targets interactions. Further studies will involve crystallization and GlcNAcase activity assays to identify GH73 family members as the target of glycosyl triazole inhibitors. Through these studies the interaction between the non-competing inhibitor and the GH73 target will be characterized. Additionally, it will be demonstrated that these Ugi- derived compounds are competitive inhibitors of GH73 enzymes


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    Background : The result of infection control procedure survey in Puskesmas showed that there were the health worker’s practices that increased potentially for transmission of infection, not only for patients but also for health workers. Sterilization is an important component for annihilating all microorganism include spore. As a standard sterilizer, autoclave was rarely had by Puskesmas (13.3%). Press cooker has the same principle mechanism as autoclave, therefore it can be used to sterilizer. Objective :The purpose of this study was to investigate the press cooker effectiveness as sterilizer to sterilize Bacillus subtilis. Methods : This study used laboratory experimental with posttest only with control group design. The samples were 54 tubes of Bacillus subtilis bacteria. In first research, the samples were 30 tubes of Bacillus subtilis. The variable was ability for sterilizing Bacillus subtilis by press cooker in 15 minutes. In second research, the samples were 24 tubes of Bacillus subtilis. The variable was the need of time for sterilizing Bacillus subtilis by press cooker. The result of sterilization test for Bacillus subtilis can be observed by incubation bacteria tubes into incubato for 24 hours in 37°C. The media were sterile, if they were transparent. Results : The result was press cooker can sterilize all of the Bacillus subtilis (100%) like autoclave in 15 minutes. The Kappa’s coefficient showed there was very good coefficient (K > 0.75) between press cooker and autoclave as sterilizer. Press cooker can sterilize Bacillus subtilis in 1 minutes. There was not the significant difference of time between a press cooker an another for sterilizing Bacillus subtilis. Conclusion : Press cooker had the same effectiveness as autoclave in sterilizing Bacilus subtilis. Press cooker needs time 11 minutes for sterilizing. Keyword : Press cooker and autoclave, Sterilize, Bacillus subtili